UE 5.3 Light Grey theme

Hey all. I just created this Light Grey theme for UE 5.3. I’ll make it available for download.

Light Grey.json (4.7 KB)


Thank you for sharing, and just to make it more complete, themes go here:

Consider placing them in this folder:


The quickest way there is to hit Win+R and open %appdata%:


This populates the Editor Preferences drop-down and makes them editable.

Some themes:

Lighter.json (4.7 KB)
OneDark.json (4.7 KB)
OneGray.json (4.7 KB)
OneGrayDarker.json (4.7 KB)

Still looking for better ones. Bring them on.

Malwarebytes throws a false positive when trying to access them :expressionless:

GD link:



EDIT: My bad… I got them working now!! Amazing! Didn’t even know to adjust themes in UE, and now already have many to choose from :smiley:

Only Noob Mistakes Down Here


Can’t get them working :frowning:

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thank for sharing
for anyone can not import theme
you can try this way, this work for me on ue5.3

"ALSO - When I tried using the ‘Import/Export Theme’ buttons they both fail.

I needed to place themes in C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.1\Engine\Content\Slate\Themes\ to see them. (I had to create the ‘Themes’ folder in that path)"

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Works perfectly.
Thank you and blessings to everyone here.

It’s been a while.
I’ve just published a new theme that I’m happy with.
Please check it out!

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