UE 5.3 | Dithered LOD Transition issues

Hi there, I’ve been having issues with the LODs from SpeedTree on the UE 5.3 while its working perfecly fine in the 5.2 version, it concerns the LOD transitions, more specifically the dithered “smooth” transitions.

As I said on 5.2 the transitions are smooth and working perfectly, but not on 5.3 : Imgur: The magic of the Internet.
I checked all the settings, everything is the same, I created new projects on both versions and it just seems like the 5.3 just won’t take the dithered transitions.

Does anyone have a solution for this ? Is there some hidden magic to tweak the dithered LODs?

Thanks in advance.

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Update : After trying a few things out, it seems like the dithered LOD transitions are broken on any mesh, not only the trees I imported from SpeedTree. Tried on a brand new project and its just not working. I’d really appreciate it if anyone could help me out on this.

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Hello again, as the new 5.4 version came out, I update this thread since the dithered LODs are still broken, it’s been broken since 5.3 but it was working fine on 5.2. Does anyone know how to fix these dithered LODs or is there any other way to have smooth LOD transitions nowadays?

Thanks in advance.

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I got same issue with my grass. I’m using a two sided foliage material and enable dithered LOD, but it just won work.
Please tell me update on how you solve it, Thank you!

Bro, I’m not sure what’s going on with your situation, but I found that my issue was caused by using multiple materials in the LOD setup, where one of them didn’t have Dithered LOD Transition enabled. Even though I wasn’t using that material, it still caused the Dithered LOD Transition to fail.

However, this problem only occurs with foliage instance—it doesn’t happen when using Static Mesh directly.

This is my post: Dithered LOD Transition Issue when using multiple materials

Hope you solve your issue soon!