UE 5.3 displacement invisible landscape

I’m trying to use displacement with UE 5.3.

I did enable tesselation following online guides, i did setup my automaterial to provide a displacement map, but when i apply the material to my nanite landscape, not only i cannot see the displacement, but my landscape disappears on the distance. :confused: what am i doing wrong?

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Update: I’m using Ultradynamic sky and weather. looks like that bypassing the weather node fixes the transparent landscape parts, but i still don’t see displacement.

Playing around i found that the world position and pixel depth are the culprit for the disappearing world (both, not one or the other).

Still, i can’t see displacement.

Update 2. I found the issue. for the missing displacement thingy.

It appears that, if the displacement is populated in a material function that has a MakeMaterial node output, the displacement is not propagated to the Main material and it’s all black.

I propagated the displacement map in the metallic then remapped metallic to displacement in the main material, and it worked. Is it supposed to work this way? Is that expected? I hate the workaround, but it seems to be the only way to get this working this way for now.

I get the same error. I start out seeing the displaced landscape, but it breaks during packaging. When I disable nanite rendering for the landscape, then it appears normal (except flat without displacement). Have you found a method to preserve displacement after building or packaging? Thanks

My landscape has this exact issue, I changed the landscape material with a static switch and it disappeared temporally but it breaks when I built a game package.

I did not find a solution. What i’ve seen so far is that it doesn’t like material functions and world position and pixel depth.

Then, depending on the parameter that i use for the displacement on the output node i also see the landscape disappear, but it comes back if i change the parameters again. I didn’t try, but i suppose that rebuilding shaders may temporarily fix the issue.

Maybe i’m doing something wrong…

Hi giuseppe,
Did you click Build Data in the Nanite Section in your Landscape details? After building this Data the displacement did show up for me. But is still get the transparent Landscape in the packaged Game…

Same issue here. Would love to have a solution for this transparent Landscape Problem in the Packaged Game. When i PIE everything looks so much better with the Nanite Displacement/Tessellation enabled…

Did you find a solution, having the same exact problem

did anyone find solution?

When nanite displacement is used make sure u turned off tangent normals in your landscape material properties. It helps with this transparency on close up.

Also you can try to enable nanite skirt

What you want to use and how makes no sense in the first place.

Tessellation: adds extra tris and more detail.
Nanite: removes all tris and extra details.

Is it really any wonder that they don’t play well with each other?

Displacement works in Ue5.3.2. and with a packaged build 100%. I took me a day searching for answers. Look in the 5.3 engine documentation . 100% there is an outliner about it :wink:

Hi guys,
This bug has something to do with the Make/Break Material Attributes node.

Basically WorldDisplacement has been renamed Displacement in 5.3.
Unfortunately looks like that has somehow broken the passthrough of information.

As Giuseppe said earlier, switching your Material Attributes nodes to a pass something other than Displacement fixes this issue. For instance remapping displacement to metallic will work.

Helps to remember nanite displacement is still an experimental feature. I think it actually works really well considering. I doubt it’ll take much for it to come out out of the experimental phase.

My tests of landscape displacement looks like this screenshot. The only fix I’ve found is to disable ray traced shadows on the directional light.

Hey Joe,
I tried what you suggested, running my displacement through metalness instead, but my packaged project landscape displacement is still broken and loses geometry in triangular shapes closer to camera. Any idea how to fix this or what I am missing?


hey! any chance to show us a screenshot of your solution? I propagated the displacement into another attribute but still can’t get rid of the artifacts on the packaged game :frowning:

That solved it i hope but it didn’t
Man i searched way to long for this.

One moment it seems to work. Next moment you change a
texture these gaps are back.

I propagated the displacement map in the metallic then remapped metallic to displacement in the main material, and it worked.

Could you please tell me how to do this? How exactly do I propagate the displacement map in the metallic and then remap metallic to displacement?