UE 5.3 Disabling root motion doesn't work

Hi, I retargeted the animations from Manny to a new character with UE4 skeleton. All good, only when I move the animation still has root motion. This is happening in the animation: the root is not moving, but the mesh is. Any advice?


You may have retargeted wrong.

If not, your animation is wrong.
The pelivis is moving. You can’t prevent that with root motion.

As a hack, you can set the state of the pelvis bone to be skeleton instead of animation.

It’s going to cause all sort of problems because the pelvis is supposed to animate.
Just not that far off from root…

Not really. I double checked and everything is fine. In the preview everything seems to work as expected.

I don’t know if you’ve got it fixed since then, but I had the same issue and was tearing my hair out.
The fix that I found is something that has been mentioned in other places.
In the retargeter, click at the Root chain and set the Translation mode to Global scaled.

That allowed me to toggle on the force root lock in the exported animation again.

Hi Tanks, I’ll try it out and let you know.