UE 5.3 crashing everytime I try to open a level

Hi, I’m building a VR proyect in UE 5.3.2 and I have one specific level that makes UE crash everytime I try to open it for editing. My setup is: Windows 10, 13th Gen Intel Core i9, 64gbRam, NVIDIA RTX 4080. Thanks for the help! Here is part of the log:

[2024.12.16-13.10.48:688][890]LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 0.35ms

[2024.12.16-13.10.50:638][890]LogDeviceProfileManager: Going up to parent DeviceProfile

[2024.12.16-13.10.51:180][890]LogWorldSubsystemInput: UEnhancedInputDeveloperSettings::bEnableWorldSubsystem is false, the world subsystem will not be created!

[2024.12.16-13.10.51:181][890]LogWorldPartition: ULevel::OnLevelLoaded(Ocean_Map2)(bIsOwningWorldGameWorld=0, bIsOwningWorldPartitioned=1, InitializeForMainWorld=1, InitializeForEditor=1, InitializeForGame=0)

[2024.12.16-13.10.51:181][890]LogWorldPartition: Display: WorldPartition initialize started…

[2024.12.16-13.10.51:181][890]LogWorldPartition: UWorldPartition::Initialize : World = Ocean_Map2, World Type = Inactive, IsMainWorldPartition = 1, Location = V(0), Rotation = R(0), IsEditor = 1, IsGame = 0, IsPIEWorldTravel = 0, IsCooking = 0

[2024.12.16-13.10.51:193][890]LogBlueprint: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\Clientes\SETAI\TheoSpaceVR-BAD\Content\OceanAnimalsMegaPack\Animations\Dolphin\AnimBP_Dolphin.uasset: [Compiler] Node Blendspace Player ‘Blendspace_Dolphin’ uses potentially thread-unsafe call Random Float . Disable threaded update or use a thread-safe call. Function may need BlueprintThreadSafe metadata adding.

[2024.12.16-13.10.52:304][890]LogBlueprint: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\Clientes\SETAI\TheoSpaceVR-BAD\Content\OceanAnimalsMegaPack\Animations\SpermWhale\AnimBlueprint_SpermWhale.uasset: [Compiler] Node Blendspace Player ‘SpermWhale_BlendSpace’ uses potentially thread-unsafe call Random Float . Disable threaded update or use a thread-safe call. Function may need BlueprintThreadSafe metadata adding.

[2024.12.16-13.10.53:087][890]LogBlueprint: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\Clientes\SETAI\TheoSpaceVR-BAD\Content\OceanAnimalsMegaPack\Blueprints\BP_GreatWhiteShark_Spline.uasset: [Compiler] Function ’ Get Anim Instance ’ is unsafe to call in a construction script.

[2024.12.16-13.10.53:190][890]LogStaticMesh: Display: Building static mesh SM_Mango_Tree_02…

[2024.12.16-13.10.53:273][890]LogTexture: Display: Building textures: /Game/FruitTree_Collection/Textures/Tangerine_Tree/T_Tangerine_Bark_AO.T_Tangerine_Bark_AO (TFO_AutoDXT, 4096x4096 x1x1x1) (Required Memory Estimate: 1104.062484 MB), EncodeSpeed: Fast

[2024.12.16-13.10.53:388][890]LogWindows: Error: appError called: Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Array.h] [Line: 771]

Array index out of bounds: 35326762 from an array of size 2549898

[2024.12.16-13.10.53:388][890]LogWindows: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0)

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You can try removing the intermediate and binaries folders ( with the project closed ). And re-open the project.

Make sure to rename or copy those two folders, just in case…

Thanks for the info, but I have done that as well as deleting UE temporary files and is not working.

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How about this post?

I will give it a try and let you know. Thanks again!

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It didn’t work.
I just noticed that it always crashes when is “Preparing Skinned Assets(x)” where “x” is a number, some kind of index, I think. At first it crashed at low index numbers like 7, then at 15 and as I kept trying to open the level the number increased and now it crashes at 31.

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Out of ideas, I’m afraid.

I guess it will run out of pre-skinned assets to build though…

I was able to bypass the problem! The issue was related to Asynchronous Compilation Settings. The command “Editor.AsyncSkinnedAssetCompilation 2” almost got me there since it allowed to process more skinned assets but at the end UE crashed. Then I just disabled Asynchronous Skinned Asset Compilation by writing this command bEnableAsyncSkinnedAssetCompilation=False in the DefaultEditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini file in the project’s Config folder. I think this is not a final solution but now I can work. Thanks for your time and effort.

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Ha! :star_struck:

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