UE 5.3 -- Assertion failed: Index == TypeIndex

I was working on a project all night (UE 5.3) with no issues, and after closing it and trying to get back on the next day, the project crashes immediately on startup.

The most recent things I was doing within the project (context - a topdown roguelike game) was creating save & load player profile functions, and allowing the users to input player names and such. All with blueprints, I don’t touch visual studio or work in C++.

Now when I try to start the project, it crashes with the following report:

Assertion failed: Index == TypeIndex [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Misc\TVariant.h] [Line: 118]

Now I’ve went to the TVariant.h file, to the line 118 that it was referencing, where the code reads:

check(Index == TypeIndex);

I have little to zero knowledge on coding and have for the most part just been following tutorials on blueprinting. From my understanding, this line of code is used to verify that the Index and TypeIndex variables are equal. If they are not equal, the check function will trigger an assertion failure. I can’t open my project to look around my blueprints to see where possible issues may lie, and I’m not well versed enough to troubleshoot or even know where else to look in Visual Studio. I’ve tried Debugging within it and adding breakpoints, but it says no issues found.

I don’t want to lose all this progress, and just start a new one so figuring out how to fix this would be great.


I have the exact same problem. Just going to bump this and hope we find a solution because this is a project I have to turn in for Uni on Sunday :,)

For me it was also because I closed the project. I created a Blueprint, but hadn’t yet created any scripts. Just noticed it was running a bit slow, wanted to take a break and decided to restart Unreal. But after saving and closing, it crashes every time I try to open the project. Version is also 5.3 and I can still open another project using 5.3.


Hit this issue as well. Worked around it by deleting my intermediate, config, and saved folders then reopening the project. I would suggest backing these up first, just in case.

Note that this will revert some project settings (such as default map).


This did the trick for me, thank you!

Also worked for me, thanks :slight_smile:

This allowed my project to open but destroyed my scene.


Unreal dev here and I’d like to help you with this issue. Does anyone of you have a project that can be shared exhibiting this issue?


I do, how would you like me to send the project?

Hey there,
This was happening to us as well. After we renamed the default scene map from the ThirdPersonTemplate, it started to crash on startup with the same error, same version.

We fixed it by changing two lines in DefaultEngine.ini, in the Config Folder:


At least in our case, it would be nice for UE to open an empty map instead of crashing.



Are you saying you are able to reproduce this bug with a new project? If so could you give me the exact repro steps?

On my side I’ve created a new ThirdPerson project (non c++) and saved the default map as a new map and set it as the default map in the project settings but I’m not hitting the crash.


I managed to repro this and the issue happens when the default map for the project is renamed (uses a redirector). The issue will be fixed in the main branch but in the meantime you can use the Fix Redirector on the map in the Content Browser to fix this.



Yep, that’s the one. Happened when I changed the name of a map in preparation for migration. The migration was flawless but suddenly I couldn’t load the original project.

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I had the same issue after renaming my default editor level. You can either delete your config/saved folders OR you can edit your DefaultEngine.ini and update the name of the old default levels to the new one you changed it to.


me ayudaste, muchas gracias!!!

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This worked for me thanks a lot!! :raised_hands::+1:

I too had this problem but reading through this form and some other forms I have solved the problem, the problem is that there is something within the first person and third person maps causing the crash I’m not 100% sure what they are but I know if you go into content and delete the first person’s last third person map you should be able to open up your project again without crash, if that didn’t work you might also have to go into your config and delete the first person / 3rd person maps as your start by default

para reproduzir o bug é bem simples,crie qualquer projeto,e mova a pasta maps para a content, ai é só fechar e tentar abrir, mas o problema que é esse bug está acontecendo fazendo mais alguma outra coisa que eu ainda não descobri e perdi meu projeto,então infelizmente não estou conseguindo usar a engine pois estou perdendo meu tempo de trabalho pois quando eu fecho e abro aparece esse bug. :sweat: :cold_sweat: :disappointed_relieved:

I fixed it going to the Config Folder of the project, DefaultEngine code and changing the name of the project to real one. It appears to not be saved propertly and you need to change the name of the project in the code too. This happend to me because i changed the name of the principal level the last time i worked on the project.


it worked for me, i changed the ThirdPersonMap name and forgot to update the configuration files

For me, this error appeared after I moved the scenes folder. I did update the project settings but it did not correctly save it to the DefaultEngine.ini

After manually updating the ini file, I no longer have this issue. Thank you!

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