UE 5.3.2 manny based skeletal mesh import from blender not showing in content browsera

I try to export Manny skeletal mesh from UE 5.3.2 to the Blender as fbx file, edit the name and re import to UE, after loading is done, nothing is showed on the Content Browser. I try on UE 5.2.1 with exact same settings and ways it is working. I create new project in 5.3.2

We are running into the same issue. We’re working with 5.3.2 as well and did not have this issue prior to updating to 5.3.2.

It seems to primarily happen with assets that were rigged using AutoRigPro in blender. Though for most it works, some assets reproducibly do not show up in the content browser on multiple different dev’s machines.

The Console Log does not appear to have any log indicating any issue surrounding the mesh.

The Skeleton and Physical Asset show perfectly fine. If I open one of them, I am even able to switch to the skeletal mesh and view it in the window. Changes in here even seem to be saved.

In the windows explorer I am also able to view the mesh .uasset file.

Any insight in how to fix this or where this issue originates?


me too . i can see pink theme colored mesh in skeleton preview and jump to it. and see uasset file in windows explorer. but just not in content browser

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I’m able to reproduce this issue with a very simple mesh that is attached both as blend and fbx file.

One awkward workaround I found is to save the mesh in unreal as a separate mesh through these steps:

  • Open the Skeleton
  • Click the Purple Mesh icon in the top right
  • File → Save As → give it a new filename

So it seems the mesh itself is fine and the issue might be with the unreal importer?

SlimeDeformPlane.blend (1.9 MB)
SlimeDeformPlane.fbx (358.4 KB)

It seems that renaming the folder that the mesh is located in also makes the mesh visible.


This worked for me (my sk-mesh was rigged in Houdini). Thanks