UE 5.3.2: "Hide Unrelated Nodes" keep hiding nodes when turned off

Hello, since the new 5.3.2 Update, my BP Editor looks like this. Opacity of unrelated nodes fades down.

In Blueprint Editor Settings, “Hide Unrelated Nodes” was turned on by default, so I turned it off. But without effect. My BP Editor still looks like this. I don’t want the opacity of unrelated nodes fading out.

Anyone else having this issue?

*Edit: I can not even turn off bHideUnrelatedNodes. Once I turn it off and restart editor, it remains turned on.

This is wild. It does not apply “Hide Unrelated Nodes” when a BP class is opened WHILE changing something in Editor Preferences. So I closed all BP classes and set “Hide Unrelated Nodes” to false, and - in a magical way that is hidden in the depths of the engine - it worked after restarting the Editor.

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