UE 5.3.1/5.3.2 Crashes Extremely Often

I’m strictly Graph and Blueprints, so I can’t speak to any issues with HLSL and C++.

It wouldn’t surprise me if your hunch is at least partially correct though, I imagine there’s a propensity at Epic to work a lot more in written code than the typical artist/designer end user would do.

There is a solution to this error, you need to change the engine code:

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and do you need to recompile the engine from source to do this? Why would they not put out a hot fix?

There shouldn’t be any new patches for the 5.3 engine version. The dev team is working full time on 5.4. This fix patch will be released in 5.4.

same for me. I am going back to 5.2. can’t work with 5.3 anymore

MIne was doing same in 5.2 5.3, turned out to be GPUtweak III that was breaking it.

Are you on an intel i9 by chance?

I am, but now I am on 5.4 and no issues

what to change exactly here and to what ??