UE 5.21 scene to UE 5.3 character mouse look problem

I converted my 5.21 project to 5.3 and my mouse look stopped to work.
Could anybody help me please?


Where’s the “Is player Mappable” bool in this input mapping context file ? strange -_-

When I try to create the FPS character from scratch again with new IMC and IA the WASD keys work well as in my previous situation, but the mouse look still does not. Use pawn control rotation at the camera settings in the FPS_character_BP is ticked on.

Strange is, that when I open the FPS shooter default scene the similar setup works well…

I tried to create a blank ue 5.3 project and migrate the 5.21 project level in to it, the mouse look works but without the RBM pressed (in 5.0-5.21 mouse look worked with the RBM pressed only). Where I can set up this behaivour to the old way? thanks…

What helped finally:
I deleted the DefaultInput.ini that was coverted originaly from 5.1 to 5.2 and then to 5.3, then set the player input again from scratch and used Input Action IA_look (Axis2d) with chorded action trigger IA_lookRBM (bool) then set all in IMC

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