Hello everyone I am fairly new to UE and learning a bit about BPs. Just following tutorials at this point.
I have a level where I need to allow a user to turn a WaterBodyCustom on/off in game.
I have found several tuts both here and elswhere on how to have option menus etc. but no luck on anything specific about waterbody object.
I think a hotkey and a menu option will be needed in the end. Various users.
I will have to make a FP and VR version of this all in the end. Right now only working on FP version.
Seems like a flip/flop would be the right way but I cant figure out how to select the waterbody since its not a mesh object seemingly.
When you are typing “code/BP” select the waterbody and right click in your BP, normaly you got some action related to the selected.
I think that should help you.
Does not seem to change anything, no context. If I select anything its just that specific operation/function. I cannot drag/drop the waterbody into the BP. Not sure how to select it.
If did find this thread but even so I do not understand how to select the waterbody from the scene. The tag method mentioned here does not seem to work either.
Like the original poster I want to simply hide/show it in game with a hotkey.