UE 5.2 UI lag and poor stability

I’m having the same issue, downloaded UE5 5.2.1 and tried the Hillside Sample and it ran kinda fine and realized. When I bring up MOST drop down menus like File, Edit, Window and right clicking on anything drops my performance to 0 like there are half a second long stutters. BUT this does not happen when you pull down the Build menu for some reason.

There is a way to stop this, but you need to NOT maximize the unreal editor. Instead just drag the editor window to one side of your desktop and it will pop up filling half of your desktop, now just stretch the UE editor all the way to the other side and its pretty much filling like it would when you full screen it. I’m trying this right now and it does “fix” it for me.

I don’t know much else since I’ve only ever used Unreal for like the past 3 hours trying to figure out this issue, some people have had it last year, but those solutions that they found didn’t fix my problem. At least it’s still usable by using it this way.

BTW my PC has the same amount of ram as you 32gb 6000mhz with a 7900xt paired with a 7700x, I haven’t crashed yet but I’ve yet to use it for 3 hours straight. It is a new build about 3 days old and have downloaded all drivers for my CPU and GPU.