UE 5.2 Procedural foliage volumes collision and AI Perception

So, I’ve noticed theres not much in the way of a solution for the problem created by using Procedural Foliage Volumes, and the fact that it prevents AI Perception from working properly, if at all.

I’m using a slight workaround, but I’ve no idea if it would work permanently or stop working somewhere down the road.
Curious if anyone else has tried this, or has an opinion…
Once I resimulate, and place the foliage within the volume, I set the volumes collision to “NoCollision” in order to get Perception working again.
The PFV requires at least “QueryOnly” in order to detect where it can place foliage. Setting the volume to “Hollow” also seems to fix perception as its about the same result as NoCollision within the volume.
I’m curious if anyone knows if the foliage will stay, so long as Resimulate isn’t run again? If so, will “growth” settings also continue to work?

If this is the case, perhaps someone should alter the function for “Resimulate” to automatically toggle collision for the volume to QueryOnly, and then toggle it back OFF once the placement is done…