I created this environment in order to familiarize myself with the new Procedural Content Generation framework that was released with UE 5.2. It’s a powerful framework and I am looking forward to exploring it more. I will soon release a full tutorial about the creation of this scene and some of the techniques used, e.g. spline based spawning, exclusion of water bodies, slope filters etc.
Hey there @exitsimulation ! Welcome to the community for starters. We are very happy to see your creations here.
I for one am particularly excited because I am a map maker so seeing options like this make me excited and a little inspired to continue my work as a creator. I’m very curious and looking forward to the tutorials and see your process!
Hey @The_M0ss_Man! I appreciate the warm welcome and I am looking forward to exploring this community and see how I can contribute
Greetings @exitsimulation; I hope you’re having a wonderful Monday. Welcome to the UE community; as the @The_M0ss_Man has so elegantly said, we’re happy to have you!
Also, thank you for sharing your PCG Forest Environment with us. I am impressed by the short in-game clips I saw - it looks amazing!
Hi there @exitsimulation,
Welcome to the Unreal Engine forums!
Watching it all come together in just a few clicks was not only satisfying but also incredibly impressive. Do you currently have plans to add connecting pathways and trails through the environment? Or any caves/buildings?
Thanks for the welcome @Zezkaii!
@PresumptivePanda, I am preparing the tutorial right now, it will contain more techniques than shown in this video. I am planning to add spline based generation yes! Also gonna have a section about mesh sampling. Should be online in a few days!
Caves are a great idea, I might add this later, same for buildings I think it would be better to do in an entirely separate tutorial.
Can’t wait to see the tutorials and potential caves/buildings. Happy developing in the meantime
The first part of the tutorial series is now online!