UE 5.2 First Person Template arms on right side of screen

In UE 5.2 when using the first person template the arms and gun appear on the far right side of the screen when playing instead of the middle like I see in so many tutorials. Any pointers or resources that can show me how to resolve this?

Hey there @CreatorofWorlds! Welcome back to the community! Is the character controller functioning correctly? (ie moving, shooting, animating). Does this apply to fresh templates? Could we see an example?

Hey @SupportiveEntity! Thanks for the reply! Yes, the player controller does function fine in all ways just the view of the weapon is offset to the far right. This does happen on a fresh template. I’ve attached screenshots to show it. I’m wondering if this has anything to do with the monitor I’m running. It’s an ultra wide Samsung G9 with a resolution of 5120x1440 and 32:9 aspect ratio. Not sure if that could make a difference or not? I see plenty of tutorials online where people use the template and don’t have this issue so wondered if the ultra wide might be the cause. Any thoughts or suggestions would really be appreciated cause this is impacting moving forward on a project I’m eager to see come to life!

Interesting! I hadn’t started a fresh First person template since 5.03 and I realized, it’s the same on my side! It seems the hands SKM itself is offset but it’s Y is 0, so I’m not sure if the SKM itself had changed (doubtful), but everything else looks the same.

I’d recommend just adjusting the arms position/rotation and seeing if you can get the visuals presentable near the center, and if that doesn’t work migrating a 5.03 first person setup over should do the trick.

I noticed this in 5.2. But only when creating a C++ project. With a Blueprint Project it works fine.

Personally, I prefer to create an empty C++ Blueprint Project, then add the 1st person blueprint template to the project after. This way, I get the project setup easily for adding C++ code, but can still use the simpler BP of the template.

If you don’t set up your project as C++ initially, I noticed that C++ GameFeaturePlugins don’t create a module to add c++ code to.

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Chiming in to confirm, this problem persists in 2024, Unreal Engine 5.3.2. The First Person Character arms do not show correctly and the gun is off center. Starting the project in 5.0.3 and upgrading does resolve the issue. I thought I was going crazy!


Any idea on how to fix this without having to upgrade from 5.0.3 template?

Is there a fix for this? I’m encountering the same issue in 5.4.

Created a backup for all the people stuck on this, no need to download 5.0.3, just download this repo and run it in your preferred version of UE5.

Hello there, any update on this ? I’m on UE 5.5 and still facing this issue, I’d love to find a workaround