UE 5.2 DataSmith import fail Error: 344

Hi! My UE crashes when I am trying to import a revit file via Datasmith more than few times… Every time it happens I need to redo all the project. Do you guys know how can I solve this error? “Assertion failed: StaticMesh->AsyncTask != nullptr [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\StaticMeshCompiler.cpp] [Line: 344]” ? Thank you!

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I have this problem during importing datasmith file made in sketchUP pro 2022.

Do you guys have a sample file so we can try to reproduce?

@Andre_in_diz is it also after several import?

Did anyone get a solution to this? Also having the same problem when importing Datasmith from Sketchup23.

Has anyone found any update on this? I have run into the same issue multiple times now and can’t find a solution anywhere.

what is UE version? what is your DCC? what is your datasmith exporter version?
Can you share the udatasmith file and its folder?

Solução para resolver o erro!

Este erro aconteceu comigo, e solucionei da seguinte maneira, percebi que este erro apareceu após eu fazer uma modificação no projeto sem estar com o Datasmith conectado no momendo, com isto o meu arquivo no revit ficou diferente no momento em que tento fazer a conexão entre os dois programas, para resolver eu simplismente desfiz a modificação, conecetei o revit ao unreal, com isto não deu mais o erro, e somente após eles estarem conectados, comecei a modificar o projeto novamente, para mim isto resolveu, espero que ajude vocês também!

Solution to resolve the error!

This error happened to me, and I solved it in the following way, I realized that this error appeared after I made a modification to the project without having Datasmith connected at the moment, so my file in revit was different when I tried to make the connection between the two programs, to solve it I simply undid the modification, I applied revit to unreal, with this the error no longer appeared, and only after they were connected, I started modifying the project again, for me this resolved it, I hope it helps you too !