UE 5.2 + CitySample 5.2 No Mass entities


I just downloaded Matrix CitySample 5.2 demo and built it wtih UE 5.2. Both fresh marketplace downloads without any modifications. When I load BigCity_LVL map and run the demo from the editor all parked drivable cars, moving cars and pedestrains/humans are not present. It was not the case earlier in CitySample 5.1 and 5.0. It looks like all Mass are disabled. Didn’t try to package it, but in earlier versions it was working just from the editor.
Do you also have this issue?

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I’ve found the same, all plugins are enabled, even enabling “Auto Spawn on Begin Play”. I’ve built Paths and Zone Graphs and nothing changed. Also, I checked the in-game menu and no difference.

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I found the answer to this. There is a bug in 5.2:

Generally a pretty helpful page anyway :slight_smile:


Hi, I’ve tried both fixes, c++ and Project Settings, no changes. More than likely the API has changed, and hopefully Epic team will release a fix in 5.2.1. Thank you for sharing.

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did anyone manage to get this working in 5.2.1?

hey, does anyone checked is it fixed in UE 5.3 ?