UE 5.2 Cable issue

Just moved on UE 5.2 and figured out that cable component has some issue. It becomes straight when moving, but should do physics.

See the video, here is the same BP with cable, first one - in UE5.1 and second - in UE5.2

Is it possible to use cable plugin from version 5.1?

Hi Alex,

I think this regression might the one tracked in this bug. The fact that it’s backlogged so soon after being created is not a good sign. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Since the code for the 5.1 cable component plugin is available on Github it should be possible to author a custom version of the plugin.

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Ok, seems like I done it!

What I’ve done:

  • created new C++ project
  • close it
  • open this project folder and create here folder Plugins
  • copy there old Cable Component from UE5.1 plugins folder
  • start project and let it rebuilt whatever it wants
  • close this project
  • copy this rebuilded Plugins folder to my current (not C++) project
  • after that, seems like it didn’t replace old plugin but add new one with CableActor in Plugins folder (inside UE editor) and old cables still ignore physics while actor is moving
  • so I started to try to replace old cables with this new CableActor inside actors BP, and some time awhile old cables started to do what they should

So I don’t know what actually happened.


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