UE 5.2.1 and Quixel Bridge plugin - linux

Hello, I need help, I dont know if I am dump or out of options…

I have Linux version of UE, working nicely without problems, I wanted add plugin Quixel Bridge but dont know how.

I ran Epic launcher using Lutris, downloaded same UE version, installed Quixel and tried run UE from Epic, it showed UE loading, but it wont open. so I copied plugin from epic version to linux version. But this showed:

“The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version: Bridge MegascansPlugin
Enbgine modules cannot be compiled at runetime. Please build through your IDE.”

I tried Epic Asset Manager, it wont start downloading Quixel, stuck in “initializing” for hours, other stuff it will download.

Any idea, how to fix it or what to do?

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