UE 5.1 Retargeter Pose Problem

Hi, I’m developing a game on UE 5.1. I’m trying to add some animations from Mixamo to UE 5. I was looking for this video: Mixamo to UE5 : the ULTIMATE Guide - YouTube for import Mixamo animations to UE 5 But I have some issues on Retargeter system. First problem is My target character spawning inside of source character not next to him.

The second problem is UE 5 default character is on A pose and I want to change to T pose like on the video at 15:45’ but when I try to edit I can not change position of pose and also UE 5 not draw the bones and don’t have Pose edit settings.

How can I fix these problems ?

For your 1st problem you need to change Target Mesh Offset (you can set X to 200 for example)

The 2nd problem in Edit Mode you need to select the Bone in the left panel (previously we could select directly in viewport) then you can move, rotate bone like you want.