UE 5.1 preview 2 SM6 material instruction count issue

Using UE 5.1 preview 2, RVT, SM6 and 5 enabled, an empty landscape material takes 545 instructions… it appears as “very bad” in the shader complexity visualization mode. So basically this is unusable. Disabling SM6 the same material takes 161 instructions.

Same issue here, wonder if “Variable.XX” in shader files changed from "Variable_XX”(SM5)to “Variable.XX”(SM6) will cost an extra instruction? Otherwise those newly added method won’t cost that much difference like 350 instructions for the default created material.

There is a comment from @jon_eg about this in this thread , I am copying it here:

“This will be addressed in the release. SM6 uses a new shader back-end from Microsoft that has more verbose instructions for the same level of shader complexity as SM5. A change went in after Preview 2 that will apply a rough multiplier to make the SM6 numbers look more like SM5. This will generally fix the shader complexity viewmode, but there will still be differences from SM5 instruction counts. SM6 instruction counts should only be compared to other SM6-compiled shaders.”


Appreciate it. Just see this post. My Question is that “A change went in after Preview 2” does this means that we will have a better result after preview2 or ?