UE 5.1 Linux can't login into quixel bridge plugin

I can’t login in the quixel bridge plugin. The plugin starts as expected but when I have to enter my email-adress in order to log in this doesnt work. While in the login window the Keyboard is not accepting the CTRL or ALTGR keys, which are necessary for entering the @ symbol. Copy/Paste doesn’t work either.
I’m on Linux
Any suggestions?

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Assuming this plugin does work in Linux and the at symbol is the only issue here:

One thing to try is highlight the @ symbol in another window like a browser or folder location path and drag it to the login screen.

I’ve done this before in similar situations with other apps, not UE5 though. Hope you get it working!

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I’ve the same problem: linux (debian 11), ue 5.1 and the italian keyboard.
It’s not possible to use ALT GR to write @ and CTRL+V doesn’t work nor dragging.
The solution is to add an other keyboard layout where @ doesn’t need ALT GR to be written.
I used the English-US (just because is the second layout that I know).

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Use this console command
xmodmap -e “keycode 63 = KP_Multiply at KP_Multiply”

after that you can use shift+(numpad *) for ad (@)

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You can use the virtual keyboard to add @

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I too have encountered this bug. Let me add some details to it:
It appeared starting with the UE5 EA all the way to the current 5.3.2 version today. (I even tried out may different branches on the git repository, all to no avail)
And it really is very niche:
Linux UE with a US keyboard causes no problem, Windows UE with a european keyboard also causes no problems. And IIRC, UE 4.x did not have this issue but I honestly do not remember for certain.

I can confirm that the “switch keyboard layout to US”-workaround still works. It would however be really, really nice if the Quixel developers would finally fix this issue.

Another workaround that I discovered before stumbling on the layout-switch:

  • Install UE through Lutris
  • Start UE, log in to Quixel (note that even the emulated Windows version of Quixel does not have this issue when running on Linux. For some reason, it really is just the native Linux Quixel bridge that has this bug)
  • Now quit UE
  • Browse the install directory of Lutris-UE, go to the plugin directory, copy the Quixel Bridge folder
  • Paste this folder into the plugin directory of the native Linux version of UE, overwriting the existing files (one of the files will contain your login credentials)
  • Now start the native Linux version of UE and Quixel, you will be logged in already.
  • The Lutris-UE install can now be deleted until the next update of Quixel bridge because for some reason every update erases the login credentials

This is of course a much cruder workaround than the layout switch and I am only posting this in case there are people for which the layout switching does not work.

(And also sorry for necro’ing the thread)