Not able to install 5.1. Error code is IS-MF01-2-2. No description found for this issue in KB. Also says “A file access error ocurred. Please check your running processes.” Was installing on a non system disk, tried system isk, different issue: IS-MF01-225-225. Not fount in KB.
One more update, my virus scanner (F-Secure) caused it. Disabled the virus scanner, install ok! However, now my virus scanner detects and removes a hrmfull file, please see pictures below.
Kind regards, Ashara
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Goodluck and happy developing!
I’m having the same problem (with the same antivirus)
Hi, what I did is stop F-Secure completely and finished the install successfully. Rebooted and let F-Secure remove the file from 5.1. Till now everything is working properly…
Kind regards,
Exactly same issue here. Thanks, going to disable F-Secure and try again. First time for me when this happens with F-Secure.
I also get same error and I noticed I also have F-Secure. This is on my laptop, where I cant disable F-Secure. Hope there will be a fix for this soon.
Hi, no admin rights?
Epic needs to put an update out, we shouldn’t have to implement band aids. I have the same issue since i have F-Secure. I also tried to turn off FS and install. Everything installed successfully, but then 5.1 would not launch, keeps hanging.
I had the same problem. I stopped the antivirus, and installed again. Then I started the antivirus again, and now I have two events in the logg: UnrealHeaderTool.exe was now infected, and of course the warning (and removal) of the file with TelmScept.C
(The infected file is named VEURA67I5U0C2D8VVSA906K0HJD5SS4V )
I sended a False positive to F-Secure from F-Secures web page.
I hope everyone does it so it can be fixed also at the F-Secures end.
Same error here, same antivirus same engine version . Hope it get solved soon!
Same here for several days now, with F-Secure.
I send reports every day to F-Secure.
But still nothing
I had the same issue, realized it was a false positive being it was associated with a 2008 Anti-Virus malware(highly unlikely too old!). It put the files in quarantine, I paused install and re-started the computer(required to set files in quarantine), went back into F-Secure and allowed the quarantined files back in original location. (it was 2 files/2 restarts). then the 5.1 install was successful, after 5.1 cleaned up old install files I did a full scan with zero issues found.
Sure but when F-Secure is locked (admin rights necessary that I’m not allowed to have in my work) then you can’t install this new Unreal version … so we’re stuck
Resolved? Did a fresh install after cleaning up directories. Disabled F-Secure, installed 5.1 , no issues. Enabled F-Secure, no issues, full system scan no issues. One difference, previous installs were on my C: system drive, this one is on a other disk. Anyway, everthing is working properly, F-Secure not complaining.
Can confirm that even with WithSecure (Formerly F-Secure Business), where one can’t disable their anti-virus without IT getting involved and asking questions, I can finally install 5.1 with no problems.