[UE 5.1] Input Action Axis2D "Look" vs Input Axis for mouse input

Is there a way to setting up an Input Action (w/ an Axis2D) to work like an Input Axis (deprecated) for mouse input?

What are you talking about?
So new in 5.1 are Input Actions to handle User Inputs from a key press to mouse event. A key difference is with Input Axis vs Input Action.

This is a very important distinction: Input Action only fire when an input is given -vs- Input Axis fires every frame and gets an updated info of the axis.

In my implementation, some features are dependent around how Input Axis works. And now that Input Mapping and Input Axis are deprecated I’m trying to update my implementation.

Why not just design it around Event Tick?
I have tested features around Event Tick vs Input Axis before, and from the results Event Tick does not update the same rate as an Input Axis and these features I’m working on work best with the Input Axis implementation.

So on to the main question:
Event Tick is not an option, Input Mappings and Input Axis are deprecated and I want to update my implementation. How do I make Input Action work like Input Axis?

I’ve searched and searched, considering this is a fresh version won’t find an easy answer. In the meantime I’ll use the Input Axis method.

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I stumbled into the same problem. Did you discover a soluten in the mean time?