UE 5.1 - HttpBlueprint Plugin Causes Fatal Error

I started using the new HttpBlueprint plugin. Made a simple JSON request. Packaged the game fine with no errors or warnings.

But upon running the game, I get a Fatal Error.

Looked at the logs and found this:

[2022.12.19-04.34.19:828][ 0]LogStreaming: Error: Couldn’t find file for package /Script/HttpBlueprintGraph requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Script/HttpBlueprintGraph
[2022.12.19-04.34.19:828][ 0]LogStreaming: Error: This will hitch streaming because it ends up searching the disk instead of finding the file in the pak file.

Then I opened the “HttpBlueprint.uplugin” file and “HttpBlueprintGraph” is labeled as “UncookedOnly”. Changing it to runtime causes a packaging error.

Anybody got a fix for this?
I’d like to use this plugin for future projects instead of VaRest.



I’m sure there has to be someone who has messed with this?..

Yup, same thing… Sorry, no solution. Perfect in editor, Fatal in packaging. Trying to avoid VArest.

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Still not working with 5.1.1. :frowning:

Same, really messed up my deadlines when sending the project to client. Couldn’t find a solution either, will probably rewrite the code in C++ if that will solve it. It really should receive more attention from Epic.

Update: Still crashing with 5.2.

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I have the same problem. Most dissapointing. Cant get passed it.

Same for me in 5.1.1.

It is a simple GET request to either http or https. The game build crashes immediately after sending the request. Firewall is turned off for testing.

In Editor everything works as expected.

Has anybody found a solution meanwhile?

Found a workaround with plugin VARest. Seems to work.

This is not a solution as I stated previously I’d rather not use VaRest.
The point of this thread is to use the built in HTTP plugin.

Anyone found a solution for this? Having the same issue.

Hi everyone,
now I have the same “Fatal error” on launch. When I use the http plugin.

Had this problem before maybe 1/2 year with Version 5.1. Had done the project with other solution and game engine. This is not possible with the actual project. Need unreal and the http plugin.

I’am shure that the "fatal error " causes the http plugin. Disabled it and removed the http functions it works fine after cook and packaging.

Update: I have seen I have not connected the “header” pin in the Http Get Request. Maybe this could brake it. Cost hours to cook again. I will test it.

UE 5.2

Hello from april 2024,

I’m facing this same issue on UE5.2. It works perrfectly on editor but a build produces a fatal error.
How can something like this can still be opened without a solution for more than a year?

Sorry the harss tone but this is quite frustrating.


I found that this plugin will crash if your network is inaccessible.

void UHttpRequestProxyObject::ProcessComplete(FHttpRequestPtr InRequest, FHttpResponsePtr InResponse, bool bInSuccessful)


OnRequestComplete.Broadcast(InResponse->GetContentAsString(), bInSuccessful, MoveTemp(CachedHeader));


This code cause crash,if network is inaccessible,InResponse will be nullptr.It is necessary to check if InResponse is valid.I copied this plugin from engine to project and fix this. GLHF.

void UHttpRequestProxyObject::ProcessComplete(FHttpRequestPtr InRequest, FHttpResponsePtr InResponse, bool bInSuccessful)


OnRequestComplete.Broadcast(InResponse ? InResponse->GetContentAsString() : "Invalid response", bInSuccessful, MoveTemp(CachedHeader));



Hello there,
sorry but I am experiencing the same problem :frowning:
I tried your solution but still have Fatal Error on builds. Do I need to edit other c++ code other than HttpRequestProxyObject.cpp ? Thank you

I’m not sure that where is your crash occured. Can you debug your game?

UPDATE: 2025 with UE 5.4.4 and the bug persists…

Not fixed even in UE5.5.1

Thank you very much. This fixed the problem.