Just trying to install UE5.1 with Xcode - followed all the processes setup.command > GenerateProjectFiles.command then when loading UE5.xcworkspace in Xcode I get the following errors and it cant get past the Indexing | Processing files.
I have already run Git Checkout 5.1 but now it seems an issue I cant get past, tried deleting dependencies cache and re running every 3 times (Download - Setups - Build)
Same issue here, XCBBuildService is eating ungodly amounts of memory. There was some advice to disable indexing with defaults write com.apple.dt.XCode IDEIndexDisable 1 which helped a little but this still seems like an issue.
Same situation here. The command does not stop XCBBuildService from firing up and eating all my RAM. It launches as soon as the project is opened, before even starting a build.