UE 5.1.1 doesn't load prerequisites

{ GitDependencies.exe / Setup.bat } gets stuck at certain point

  •   Checking dependencies...
      Updating dependencies:  38% (40475/97340), 16.8/12431.3 MiB | 2.80 MiB/s, 7803.5 MiB cached...
    Checking dependencies...
    Updating dependencies:   0% (49/56784), 0.5 MiB cached...

    Then repeatedly:

    Checking dependencies...
    Updating dependencies:   0% (0/56735)...

Any ideas for a fix?

I can’t even figure out at which item it fails, because it doesn’t seem to have logs .

I tried these startup params, to get any errors --http-timeout-multiplier=0.01 --max-retries=1 , they didn’t change anything .

  • by the way, the /? docs is missing the =<<number>> specification for --max-retries .

tried removing 3 top blocks from GitDependencies.exe --dry-run 's output, from \Engine\Build\Commit.gitdeps.xml and the folders, making sure they are not in .uedependencies and using a newly downloaded copy of the UE . 0 effect .

can anyone at least tell whether it works for them ?

what a fuuck