UE 5.0.3 Black Screen on remote iOS Build

Hello, everyone!

After wrestling with iOS build on a project that runs well on Android (and running out of ideas what went wrong), I decided to ask for help. I am getting a black screen on a iOS device after successfully remote building and signing. After going through the forums and trying every suggestion I could find, I created a new “TopDown” project and the result is the same.


  • Windows 10 PC creates a build on Unreal Engine 5.0.3 from Launcher and iTunes
  • Mac Mini M1 with MacOS Ventura 13.0 and XCode 13.4.1 creates a build
  • Signing for Development successful
  • Testing on iPad Air 2 (iOS 15.7.1) and iPad Pro 11 2018 (iOS 15.7.1)

Result when deployed on iOS device from Windows PC:

  • Black Screen
  • Automatically Closes
  • No Logs Saved

Result when deployed on iOS device from XCode:

  • Black Screen
  • No Logs Saved
  • Log from XCode:
2022-11-14 12:17:44.661865+0200 TopDown[19365:875890] [UE] Used memory before allocating anything was 31.97MB
2022-11-14 12:17:44.900553+0200 TopDown[19365:875890] [UE] Checking for command line in /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/10AD66CC-3538-4738-8C6B-54E91A0053A7/Documents/uecommandline.txt... NOT FOUND!
2022-11-14 12:17:44.900629+0200 TopDown[19365:875890] [UE] Checking for command line in /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/BF372E02-9362-447C-965D-583864FA0837/TopDown.app/uecommandline.txt... NOT FOUND!
2022-11-14 12:17:44.900718+0200 TopDown[19365:875890] [UE] Combined iOS Commandline:
========= This app is in LANDSCAPE mode
2022-11-14 12:17:45.208290+0200 TopDown[19365:875890] didRotate orientation = 3
2022-11-14 12:17:45.208579+0200 TopDown[19365:875890] didRotate orientation = 3
2022-11-14 12:17:45.209026+0200 TopDown[19365:875890] didRotate orientation = 3
2022-11-14 12:17:45.243179+0200 TopDown[19365:875890] didRotate orientation = 3
2022-11-14 12:17:45.244428+0200 TopDown[19365:875890] didRotate orientation = 3
2022-11-14 12:17:45.244704+0200 TopDown[19365:875890] didRotate orientation = 3
2022-11-14 12:17:45.280099+0200 TopDown[19365:876136] Metal GPU Frame Capture Enabled
2022-11-14 12:17:45.283856+0200 TopDown[19365:876136] Metal API Validation Enabled

Project Settings I have experimented with

  • Default Map
  • Metal Shader Standart to target v2.5
  • Minimum iOS Version 15.0
  • Support Apple A8
  • Mobile Anti-Aliasing Method = None

Any help will be highly appreciated!

I have the same issue. Any solutions?!

Stuck with the same issue, any workaround?

My workaround so far has been creating builds directly on the Mac Mini. It’s not ideal since it’s a manual step in a process that it’s best to be automated.

When I open the game on Iphone it just shows a black screen. Meanwhile I get no errors while building. Did you guys find any solutions yet?