UE 5.0.2 Download github tag/link

Hello -

I am needing to download ue 5.0.2, and due to workflow, would like to do this from github so that I can more easily keep track of changes that I might want to pull later. I’m not sure what branch/tag to use. I assume release branch 5.0.2-release tag is what I want, but it’s not entirely clear. I would appreciate clarification on the branch/tagging structure in github. Thanks.

You will need to apply for access at this page or you will get the Web page 404 and in the post below
Unreal Engine on GitHub - Unreal Engine Registration

The instructions to load UE5 from the Git hub is
in README UnrealEngine-5/README.md
at Luoshuangs-GPULightmass-50x-vs2022 · jimshalo10/UnrealEngine-5 (github.com)

Replace the Git clone line with
$ git clone (https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine)

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