UE-48035 more info maybe or another bug

I’m not sure if this is related to UE-48035, but this has happened twice over the last two weeks…

assert failing…

check(Size == CreateInfo.ResourceArray->GetResourceDataSize());

note from the debugger: Size = 960 and CreateInfo.ResourceArray->GetResourceDataSize() = 1008 and element size = 48
This indicates that CreateInfo.ResourceArray increased by 1 from 20 to 21 sometime between getting Size in void FStaticMeshInstanceBuffer::InitRHI() and FVertexBufferRHIRef FD3D11DynamicRHI::RHICreateVertexBuffer(uint32 Size,uint32 InUsage, FRHIResourceCreateInfo& CreateInfo)

stack trace:(render thread 2)

UE4Editor-RHI.dll!FRHICommandListImmediate::CreateVertexBuffer(unsigned int Size, unsigned int InUsage, FRHIResourceCreateInfo & CreateInfo) Line 2774	C++
UE4Editor-Engine.dll!RHICreateVertexBuffer(unsigned int Size, unsigned int InUsage, FRHIResourceCreateInfo & CreateInfo) Line 3608	C++
UE4Editor-Engine.dll!FStaticMeshInstanceBuffer::InitRHI() Line 249	C++
UE4Editor-Engine.dll!FStaticMeshInstanceBuffer::UpdateRHIVertexBuffer(int StartingIndex, unsigned int InstanceCount, unsigned int InstanceSize) Line 303	C++
UE4Editor-Engine.dll!TGraphTask<`FInstancedStaticMeshRenderData::UpdatePerInstanceRenderData'::`10'::EURCMacro_FPerInstanceRenderDataBufferUpdate>::ExecuteTask(TArray<FBaseGraphTask *,FDefaultAllocator> & NewTasks, ENamedThreads::Type CurrentThread) Line 785	C++
UE4Editor-Core.dll!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksNamedThread(int QueueIndex, bool bAllowStall) Line 650	C++
UE4Editor-Core.dll!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilQuit(int QueueIndex) Line 559	C++
UE4Editor-RenderCore.dll!RenderingThreadMain(FEvent * TaskGraphBoundSyncEvent) Line 325	C++
UE4Editor-RenderCore.dll!FRenderingThread::Run() Line 476	C++
UE4Editor-Core.dll!FRunnableThreadWin::Run() Line 76	C++
UE4Editor-Core.dll!FRunnableThreadWin::GuardedRun() Line 25	C++

Hello funkinessfactor,

The stack trace that you provided looks similar to what was provided for UE-48035, but I am not sure yet if it is the same crash. Do you see this happening when you are painting foliage? If so, are there any specific foliage assets that you see this happen more frequently with?

Hi funkinessfactor,

We have not heard back from you for a while. Is this something that you still need help with? I will be marking this post as resolved for internal tracking purposes, but please feel free to add a comment and re-open the post if you need any additional assistance.