This is not really a bug (in my opinon) but this is a behvaior which I didn’t get in Unreal Engine 4.8.3
and I don’t realy know why this happend in Unreal Engine 4.9.
I override the GetControlRotation from my AAIController (everything I do, was done in c++ expect the content binding).
In this function I need to get the reference from the controlled Pawn (GetPawn()) but when I start to run the game in the Editor I get a null reference from GetPawn() in the GetControlRotation() function but only in the first call of this function.
obviously checking the GetPawn() for nullptr.
My question is, why this happend in 4.9? I the release Note and couldn’t find any reason for this behavior.
Or did I miss understand something?
I use the released version not the GitHub version and I find the problem by debugging the project via VS2013.
The Projects template is the ThirdPerson-Template C++ version.
I could reproduce this behavior by writing a Controller which override the GetControlRotation function with the following code
FRotator AMyAIController::GetControlRotation() const
GetPawn()->GetActorClass(); // call some function from
// GetPawn to throw a nullexecption
return ControlRotation;
I was able to reproduce the null pointer in 4.9 and have entered a report (UE-20724) for investigation. As you mentioned the best solution for now is to check that the result of GetPawn() is valid before using it.
As says, it is always a good idea to verify results from functions like this, it is valid for a controller not to have a pawn. Is this problem only for one frame or so - ie is it possibly just an order-of-operation change between 4.8 and 4.9, and it worked correctly once the pawn and controller exist?
I debugged the project once again and the controller function was called for the Pawn constructor.
The reason why I (most of the time) didn’t check the GetPawn() function is because I thought without a Pawn a Controller couldn’t exist.
I allways create a Controller via this code in the Pawn constructor
How does the engine know which Controller to instatiate, for this pawn, without reading this Code? (I know this will be when the engine starts but I could change it via BP in a BP subclass)