Which documentation are you referring to for creating the heightmap? Does the issue reproduce in reverse OS settings (KUbuntu with US locale or Debian with Russian local)?
Hello, . Thanks for your answer! I’m preparing a heightmap in Krita accordingly to this manual. I had changed the locale on Kubuntu and yes, the issue has disappeared. I decided to not waste the time for testing on Debian. BTW, the bug appears with directly imported heightmaps, as mentioned in opening post, and with imported and copied from another project as well. And one more thing: the project created with russian locale and opened with english one bakes properly.
Sorry for the delayed response. I’ve submitted a bug report for this lighting issue (UE-16266). Seeing that it happens in the Russian localization it sounds like it is related to the other localization issue you reported. For now the best workaround would be to either work in the ru_US locale or to work in ru_RU and switch to ru_US when you need to build lighting.