[UE 4.7.2] Drag and drop props problem.


I have very strange freeze of ~5s when i try drag and drop any props in the viewport.
This reminds me of a driver problem or low performence of the editor ?
Since i am using Unreal engine 4.4.2 , i never seen this problem .

I just tried official Epic props of the Exemple Map , it’s same problem.
You can see below on the screenshot , a very small black square during freeze.

Someone has encountered this problem ?

If you ask Spec :
AMD FX x8 (4ghz)
Asus M5A99X evo R2.0
kingstone 16go
GTX660 (Unreal Engine working on this)
GTX 560 ti
Nvidia Driver : both


I have also been experiencing this problem, not found a solution yet

OK , i am not the one ,

I must say , after 5seconds Freeze , i have again 2 seconds freeze with object without texture and sometime , the object keep under mouse , it’s very strange.
Sometimes , i saw a loading bar, If i remember in Unreal Engine 4.4 or 4.5, drag and drop was instant.
I must say too, after the first drag and drop , next i have not freeze.


Hi ,

Please report this to the answerhub at http://answers.unrealengine.com in the bug reports section so we can assist you in depth. Thank you!

Hi ,

Sorry about it , I noticed some freeze not only in Unreal Engine , after investigation, i saw my bios settings was changed , probably because i installed new hardware in my computer .
I dunno why , my memory was changed on ECC mod :confused: , i haven’t not Xeon
