January 27, 2015, 10:14pm
I want to play animation based on variable (int or byte) in one state.
I use select function in state, and plug to final animation pose, as you can see on screenshot.
Unfortunately it doesn’t work. I’m having note that result is not visible, and so it is, because character is in T-pose.
Am I using it wrong way or it doesn’t work?
I’m using UE 4.6. I checked this with tpp game starter pack.
thanks, Marcin
February 24, 2015, 12:44am
I have the same problem, select don’t work in anim BP at ver 4.6.
As a suggestion, you can use Blend by Int with zero weight to achieve kind of the same result.
Your suggestion is right. It is a single way to change current blendspace/locomotion.
The select node didn’t work at all for me until version 4.9 (or 4.10?).
Just use a Branch node or some other simple method.