UE 4.5 Preview run

UE 4.5 Preview running error message found.

Hey Peude,

Thanks for the report. Can you tell us more about what caused this error? What were you doing when it happened? Did doing what the message suggested (changing the GameName key in DefaultGame.ini) fix the problem?


While i run UE4Editor.exe and UE4 logo/banner loading.

Note: This is created by Visual Studio 2013 without any error.

-(config/Defaultgame.ini and all .uproject) i tried to find that files from Windows Explorer (User/Programs Files/Programs Data folder) search engine. Its show all from MyProject (MyDocument) files and UE4 (4.4/4.5 folder) DemoMarketplace files. but all of them is same code. And i can’t understand which file its looking to change? :slight_smile:

Last suggest! if its possible?
Can you make a addition features.

  1. Pivot lock setting will return from same version 4.2.1
  2. If item lock from “Scene Outliner” its will not select from “Viewpoint Navigator” by mouse click. Or new icon (Scene Outliner) will disable item to be select from “Viewpoint Navigator”.

Because its difficult to select object from the behind :wink:


Hmm. When I run the 4.5 preview, it doesn’t give this error. I used this tutorial. Did you remember to get the Required files and run the “UnrealVersionSelector” file? That might be the cause.

For the other problem, can you make another Question post for it? We can help you better if there is a different Question for it.

Yes, UnrealEngine-4.5.0-preview.zip, Required_1of2.zip, Required_2of2.zip and Optional.zip.

“For the other problem” or “Post” - Like this Title: Switch Active PlayerController? no one answer :frowning:

Did you also use the UnrealVersionSelector-Win64-Shipping.exe (or whichever version is appropriate)? If you followed the video tutorial, that isn’t in it.

yes, but i think what wrong i made :wink: after the UE4Editor.exe created and run. I run UnrealVersionSelector-Win64-Shipping.exe after run UE4Editor.exe. i deleted all files/folders and unzip again UnrealEngine-4.5.zip, Required_1of2.zip, Required_2of2.zip and optional.zip… Thanks its working now