I wanted to switch my 4.3 project to the 4.5 preview but can’t get it built. In my [ProjectName].generated.cpp, I’m getting tons of errors regarding the IMPLEMENT_CLASS macro and other stuff:
error C4003: not enough actual parameters for macro ‘IMPLEMENT_CLASS’
error C2664: ‘bool UEnum::SetEnums(TArray &,UEnum::ECppForm)’ : cannot convert argument 2 from ‘bool’ to ‘UEnum::ECppForm’
error C2664: ‘FCompiledInDefer::FCompiledInDefer(const FCompiledInDefer &)’ : cannot convert argument 1 from ‘UClass *(__cdecl *)(void)’ to ‘const FCompiledInDefer &’
Did I forget something? I just updated and changed the UE4 version for the uproject file. Thanks!