I have a blueprint object that I add on my level. Inside my animblueprint I added a variable, varObj, of the type of that object.
So, when my character overlaps that object, it should fire the overlap event, cast to my character to get that variable varObj and fill with self.
This was working on 4.4.2, and inside my character blueprint, I could get varObj and acess its properties and variables.
But now, this is returning none.
Hi Alex3d,
To help us more easily repro this issue, could you also post some screenshots showing your blueprint setup?
Ok. I also found a way to fix it, but something has changed.
The top picture show what I had on UE4.4 working fine, and does not work with UE4.5. The bottom picture show that I added a “Self” reference, and that now is working on UE4.5. Also, this overlapping event happens on the ladder object, which is the one that I am passing to my character.
Hi Alex3d,
Thank you for the feedback. This is now working as intended. The fix that you are using is now the proper way to make this setup work.