UE 4.5 crashes regularly which UE 4.4 did not do (at least not that often). Now I cannot open my project (the specific level I am working on that is). I get a message telling me that the project pobably was made in a newer verision. I started making it in UE 4.4.3 but have been working with it in 4.5 since the update was launched. Anyone know what is going on?
When you moved over to working with it in 4.5 did you use the convert-in-place option or did you open a copy? Also did you rename your level and or project?
I cant really remember but I have a copy, so I have at least done that. I do not get the make copy or convert questions now. UE 4.5 is still crashing a lot more than 4.4. Have you collected sufficient crashfeedback to pin point a specific problem? I did not rename my project.