During production of my game I encountered crash, which has 100% reproducibility and I can’t find workaround
so it’s block my progress for now. I wanted to make a video of and write steps to repro but
it’s too complicated so I tried to do same thing on new project.
I’m using 4.4
Unfortunately it crash even in weirder way.
What I’m trying to do:
I have a 2 blueprints - one is projectile (particle) and other is damage volume. Damage volume is moving.
I want attach damage volume in construction script.
In my game it crashes in 80% cases when I hit play. In new project, in 100% cases when I hit compile.
Surprisingly particle in blueprint disappear.
I made a video reproducing this bug:
Short steps:
- make 2 blueprints - one with volume and another with particle
- in volume BP, in costruction script, attach it to other BP particle
- make particle BP variable editable
- place both BP on scene
- in volume BP chose particle BP
- open graph from particle BP
- compile
- crash
I appreciated any help.
Edit: It crashes as well in my main game when I hit compile, so I guess it’s the same bug.