I’ve been using UMG to make a menu system for my game, I was using 4.4.0 from source and I was able to package a development build and the UMG menu would package and load without any issues. I recently switched to 4.4.1(from source) and am encountering this issue while packaging.
My game has an entry level with a levelscript that spawns a UMG based menu , when I launch the game after packaging with 4.4.1 it loads as a black screen. However when I launch the game as standalone for testing the menu works.
How might I go about fixing this ? I’m doing production work so there’s a bit of pressure on my side.
I’ve provided the error below , any assistance would be very much appreciated.
Best Regards and Much Love
LogPlayLevel:Display: Atajrubah: [2014.09.06-17.57.41:202][ 0]LogLinker:Warning: Can't find file '/Script/UMGEditor'LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to load '/Script/UMGEditor': Can't find file '/Script/UMGEditor'
Sounds like your game is being built with WITH_EDITOR or you’ve added UMGEditor as a runtime dependency of your game.
Also, might be related to this: [Android Packaging] Crash on startup caused by UMG - UI - Epic Developer Community Forums
What platform is this for?
Thanks for getting in touch with me , this is for Windows( Mac to follow later) and I’m currently doing a development build. I didn’t change any settings during the upgrade from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1
The build folder is is labeled WindowsNoEditor. I did look have a look through the link that you provided but it seems to be very Android specific. I was contemplating backing up my source code and content , then creating a fresh project to work from. What are your thoughts on this ?
Hi there ,
After much testing and even creating a completely fresh project in 4.4.1,then importing the source and content from my previous project I am still presented with a completely black screen.
I have noticed that when I run the game in the editor using Net Client I get a black screen in the second screen. This has happened before. I will restart my machine and see if that helps.
I’ve had no luck getting this to work. Restarting my rig solved the play-in editor issue when using multiple clients. Using Standalone Game from the editor works and so does Launch Game from the editor. When I launch any of the builds or staged builds from outside of the editor I get the same blank screen.
I have cleared out the saved folder and re-cooked and rebuilt everything several times over with no luck. Disabling the UMG menu’s that I’ve created would resolve this but it would also be a big step back. If I have accidentally added ‘UMGEditor’ as a run-time dependency in my project without knowing it, where would I find this ?
Also where would I find the ‘WITH_EDITOR’ setting and how would I go about changing it so that I can get my game functioning as it did in 4.4.0.
From further looking at the logs it appears that Steam and UMG are failing, this is quite strange as these are both functional when launching standalone game and launch on platform in the editor.
I have pasted the resulting log from the build below:
Hi ,
If you are comfortable with it, I would be happy to take a look at your project so we can potentially see what might be occurring. If you upload it to a trusted FTP service such as Dropbox and post the link here I can download it on my end. Thank you!
Hi there , I sure don’t mind packaging my project and sending it over. I’d prefer not to post it in public, do you think you could provide me with an email address that I can send the information to ? For larger transfers I tend to use WeTransfer.com.
My email address is alanwilliamrobinson@nexymedia.com for reference.
I’ll send through the config,content and source folders with the uproject file for project generation and to keep the file size manageable.
Anything that I can learn from this process will be most valuable to be sure.
Thank you good sir.
Hi ,
Can you send me a packaged product as well? I have thus far been unable to get the packaging tool to work on your project, it would be good to have something to compare to as I have not been able to see a black screen thus far in standalone view or play in editor.
Excellent. I’m not entirely sure why the packaging tool is not working on my end, more than likely it is user error and not related to the engine, but I’ll keep playing with it to try and get this working on my end as well.
“Can you send me a packaged product as well?”
Sure thing , I’m packaging something up for you right now.
" I have thus far been unable to get the packaging tool to work on your project."
I’m curious as to why that is.
“it would be good to have something to compare to as I have not been able to see a black screen thus far in standalone view or play in editor.”
This is indeed what I have observed on my end when launching from standalone,play in editor and Launch.
I’ll the packaged build up and send it off to you once its done.
Fair enough. I just finished packaging the project, I tested it and now its crashing altogether. This I know has to do with my custom GameInstance class, I’ve disabled it and will repackage once more. Thank you ever so much for your patience and time .
Hi ,
Are you able to reproduce this blank screen in a clean project with no additional content? Additionally if you update to 4.4.2 do you still experience this black screen? I see the black screen you mentioned with the packaged product with the packaged product.
I’m in the process of doing so. I will let you know the outcome. Thanks for the support.
Hey there , I upgraded to 4.4.2 , taking care to re-setup the ini and build.cs files and upgrade the project manually. Still having some issues with my custom GameInstance(which is for me to figure out) but… no more blank screen !
Thank you so much for looking into this. I will make a note of manually migrating the project over rather than using switch engine when right clicking the .uproject file.