For the past two days, I’ve felt like I’ve been boxing with UE 4.27. I’ve made a character blueprint for the player character, set its Game Mode under World Settings and under Project Settings. When I click on Play, the program instead spawns a character from a first-person view. This is not the same character as the one I clicked and dragged and there is no Player Start on the map, either. I feel like I’ve lost total control of my project, so I really do appreciate any help in fixing this problem.
Tried it. When the program starts, it still spawns a different character from the player character that’s already on the map, even with the player character set as the Default Pawn Class.
I did some more fiddling with GameModeOverrides and Default Pawn Class, and the program still spawns a different player character from the one that’s set on the map.
Yes, you need a custom GameMode class that inherits from GameMode (or whatever they call the default GameMode class). That’s necessary in order to choose a different player controller or player character.
Thanks. You are hoping to get a player character of the class “ThirdPersonCharacter,” right?
Let’s try to figure out what is being spawned. When you press Play, look through the World Outliner and see whether there is a ThirdPersonCharacter in the world, and also whether there are any other characters in the world, and if so, what classes are they and were you expecting them?
The top-left image shows where the Player Start icon is on the first of five levels. On the left is the ThirdPersonCharacter that is supposed to be the playable character. But, when I click Play, a different playable character appears (indicated by the white circle on the bottom-right image), with the ThirdPersonCharacter as a mere static mesh.
You are not supposed to drag your player character into the level. Your player character gets spawned at runtime based on where you place the Player Start. You won’t see the character until you press play. So, delete the character on the left and just have the Player Start where you want the player character to appear.
Okay, got that to work. Though the camera is a little jerky (I’m trying to make it work like a top-down camera). I made a character actor so I could reference it and its spring arm for certain sequences, like if I had to change a camera or if I needed to rotate the camera automatically.