UE 4.27 not working with WIN 11 still?

Creating an inventory system specifically aimed at UE4… mapped the open inventory window to my TAB key, but every time I hit the key the engine crashes. Anyone else experience something like this? UE 4.27

I’ve changed the binding to other keys and still crashes.




Inventory Window Widget Code:


Have you tried testing it out without a keybind? Like trigger it within the level BP or something after 20 seconds of the level opening?

According to https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/blob/4.27/Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/UObject/Class.cpp
That error is happening at:

void UScriptStruct::CopyScriptStruct(void* InDest, void const* InSrc, int32 ArrayDim) const
	uint8 *Dest = (uint8*)InDest;
	uint8 const* Src = (uint8 const*)InSrc;

on the check(Src) line. Maybe there’s something screwy with your struct?

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I’ll take a closer look, thanks. If I can’t find it, I’ll scrap the whole thing and start over - hopefully that will resolve the issue.


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RESOLVED - I had to hunt and peck for it but I found that one of the input events was connected incorrectly… GAH!

4.27 still freezes and occasionally crashes on WIN 11 tho… so that’s still a thing, I guess.

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is it still doing that in 2023?

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Not really sure tbh. I’ve moved to UE5+

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