UE 4.27 : can't stack inventory items

I am having a difficult time in UE 4.27 getting my code to work to stack collectable items. According to the tutorials, all other scripting is correct, but I need to be able to set 'Array Element Item Structure Item Class" to be equal to 'Item Structure Item Class. However, when I attempt to use = class, it gives me the error “Class Reference is not compatible with Object Class Reference” and I have not been able to find a way around it.

I am sure something is not set correctly somewhere, but I’ll be damned if I can find it. Anyone alble to help sort this out?


Look at the structures you are trying to compare in the content browser. Check what you set as VariablePinType in both structures.

Looks like this:

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Ok - assuming I am a complete noob (I am) WHERE in the content browser do I find this information, exactly?

When you are in the content browser, which looks like this:


You can click on FILTERS:

Then you can select STRUCTURES:

Which will look like this:

When you hover over the structure with your mouse you can see where it is: