UE 4.27 and 5 ea2 UI menus flickering and occluded parts


I got a ui renderer problem on 4k screens with any menus with content more long (height) than the screen size.
See videos below.

I don’t know what to do to try to solve this on my side.
My config:

  • windows 10 up to date
  • intel 10700 k
  • 32 go
  • rtx 3070 driver up to date
  • my two screens are 4k screens.

Only Unreal do this problem, all the other programm i have install on this computer work as normally expected.

Unreal 4.27.2 is the more showing case of this problem.

Unreal ea2 have the problem too but it is visually different but are present on each long menus.

The builded ue 5.0 from the git hub source look like dont have this problem, we can see the menus are rendered differently and are fully usable.