UE 4.27.2 Landscape Proxy As kind of HLOD

Hey, i need to have a mountain in a level not be landscape at distance but rather a proxy mesh with less triangles and better LOD because if players FOV narrows the mountain becomes LOD0 from almost any distance causing giant tris counts as a result. Does 4.27 offer a way to have the landscape components at a certain distance be replaced by a mesh?

So far i tried the landscape proxy volume but that 1. only makes the landscape disappear (good but not 100% what i need) and 2. causes massive lag spikes when loading that part of the landscape back in or unloading it.

i guess i could use a hacky way of having a level with the proxy mesh and a level with the landscape be switching out one another by streaming volumes but then again, it causes big hitches for 2-3 seconds.