UE 4.27.2 Keeps Crashing With Blueprints Compiling?

I’m trying to learn how to put together my own first-person controller via Blueprints but keep experiencing crashes at different points in the process when compiling. It doesn’t seem too complex and here’s a screenshot from the video tutorial I’m following;

I’m starting from a blank game project, set my four basic movement inputs and the only other thing I’ve done is attach my camera to a character capsule mesh. Any ideas why this is too much?

My specs are Nitro 5:

  • 8 GB RAM
  • I5-9300h (2.4 Ghz)
  • GTX 1650 4 GB

Greetings @sick

Welcome to the Unreal Engine Forums! Could you provide the logs/crash log from the crashes happening? That will give us a good starting point on finding the solution. Thanks!

Wow there’s only the config file, nothing seemingly saved despite leaving all those boxes ticked when I submitted the crash report. I’ll try replicating it I guess.

OK so I tinkered more and realized that, sure enough, UE 4.27.2 is just crashing after enough time spent in the Editor through something simple things like opening and closing Editor windows. Here’s the crash report (CrashReportClient.ini):


Also when looking at MyProject.log , this shows up at what appears to be initialization:

It’s showing my on-board graphics and not my GTX 1650 4GB, is that what’s causing the crash?

Also here’s the crash log: