UE 4.27.2 - How to build for target SDK 33 (or 34) !

I tried everything. My project is 4.26 and the plugins are for 4.26
The build for Android API 33 builds successfully, even Google Console accepts it. But, as soon as the app starts on the phone (Google Pixel 8 Pro) it crashes. It seems that the issue is with Java, but I am using JDK 1.8. Last year in November I built and packaged the project with the same settings and environment. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

The problem is something to do with the Splash Image (SplashActivity) where something is with the android:exported=“true”.
When I untick the Launch Splash Image, the app is stuck on the game icon on the full screen, nothing else.

Any help would be appreciated! I don’t have any more ideas what to do and what to try.

Please who has solved this issue? APK fails to install on device.

doesnt work for 5.0.3 unreal, target api 35

I’ve gone throught with Source code of UE 4.26.2. There are easy tutorials how to install it on your pc.

Then I just added this line android:exported as per the comment above in the same file.

Then, built and installed with USB Debugging without issues.

Thank you for the help!

I’ve managed to get the app published on Play Console with API 33.
I was missing the java compatibility in the Build gradle file.

Now, I will go on to try and see if it works for SDK 34 as Google requires that.


ive addressed the issue here (with solution):

the build was working, but after moving some sdks and ndks and jdks to different drive for space purposes i wasnt able to auto install bat, so manual install i think was causing issue, im not sure, you can do some tests here to inform me, thanks

Same for me I have ran out of idea SDK 33,34 and 35 does not work for me at all

i was able to address the issue here:

see if it fixes your issue

For more insight, add the android:exported=“true” using Android Studio.

Copy this folder URL from your project.


Open it on Android Studio

Navigate to manifest.xml in the folder hierarchy.

Add android:exported=“true” to the beginning of every angle bracket having <activity

Save and build APK with Android Studio.

I am using unreal engine 4.27.2 please has anyone figured how to package with SDK 34 using API 34 any help please :pray::pray:

yes it work as well , + billing library 6.0.0 //// but google play console recommendation says we must update abl to 6.0.1 at least or higher … 6.0.0 doesnt work any more … play console gives me eroor abl must be updated , i tried many ways … two weeks now passed…im still confused , :face_with_head_bandage: unreal engine developers must guide us through the process of updating this things like abl 7 and abl 6.2 or what ever , because when we open our project gradl file in android studio 4.0.0 , if we update the billing library to 7 or 6.0.1 the error apears in the gameactivity.java and the theplaygooglehelper , and many , because of in app purchase system is not configured well … some one can understand me right !!! thank you …