Hello, I stumbled upon your discussion because I had 80% of your issues for some days until I solved for my Quest 2! I followed step by step this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nd9p8R7OOoA
Have to say that worked on a blank project, so… I guess my answer won’t be so useful if you have an entire game ready sometimes I recover much of the work by migrating the maps in a new project.
Hope you all solved your packaging errors in the meanwhile
Have same issue on 2.26 , every screen debug message like (Print string, show fps or load level with not builder light map “light map needs to be rebuilt”) immediately crush game. This error on quest and quest 2 same.
Hi, I have similar issue, got a Q2 try to use it on 26.1 I have a project which runs good in 25.4 but when I move on 26 I get the 3 dots and grey screen when it runs there is no errors in the log. I try to play with the sdk version number the build setting and I got it to run in with different setting but I always get the grey screen with all of those. I’m using a Mac, but I don’t see that causing issue with previous version. Dose anyone find a solution yet?
Hey all, I have had issues with the 3 dots in the past, Always seemed to be some kind of missing texture or material being the cause. For me WorldGridMaterial missing from being cooked was the cause of my game never making it. If in doubt make a new blank level and set that level as the Startup/Boot Level and see if you can get past the looping dots.
sometimes its a texture missing, like you used a texture in the map then deleted it, or you are using a tex inside the engine or plugin folder
another possibility is you are packaging multi
only pkg astc
another reason could be you didn’t activate vulkan
quest doesn’t run ogl well, it uses vukan, so disable ogle and enable vulkan.
sometimes deleting intermediate helps as it forces all shaders to recompile.
in the log track down any missing tex
remove all unnecessary objects in the project and sometimes selecting all levels and migrating them (the levels, not their folders) can help as it will only migrate the things that are actually in the levels and anything extra is left behind.
I only use open xr plugin and disable steam and oculous plugs