I have been working on a multiplayer game with a source build of UE4.25. Everything seems to work properly, but I have been stuck for weeks trying to get Steam Sessions to work on development builds.
I’m using the Advanced Sessions Blueprint, and I tested without Steam, and it works fine on my local network. PIE works fine as well. When I make a build using Steam as the OSS, my server build is able to generate a session and connect to the level properly (I can see this in the Log). My client is able to run, and I have a Steam overlay. However, when I click join session it does NOT work, and fails to even find a session. At one point, it seemed to join the session, but then disconnected with error “OutdatedClient”, which doesn’t make sense to me since I’m using the same editor to build the Server and Client (I also double checked that the Network Versions are the same).
I tested this on my local machine, and I also tested using 2 separate Steam accounts on 2 separate machines (for server/client), and I get the same error. I have double checked everything, from the .Build.cs files to the .ini files, and everything seems to be proper, but Steam just WILL NOT work with my dedicated server.
If somebody could help out with this issue or direct me to some resources that would be helpful, I have been searching for weeks. Thank you.