[UE 4.25][BUG] SplineComponent::GetInputKeyAtDistanceAlongSpline() does not return the right value

How to replicate:

float InputDistance = Spline->GetDistanceAlongSplineAtSplinePoint(23)
float InputKeyFromDistance = Spline->GetInputKeyAtDistanceAlongSpline(InputDistance)

Expected return: 23
Returned value: 23 but divided by the last input key of the spline

So in a spline with 101 points, instead of returning 23 it will return 23 / 100 = 0.23

Another illustration of the issue:

FVector V1 = SplineComponent->GetLocationAtDistanceAlongSpline(Distance, ESplineCoordinateSpace::World);

float Key = SplineComponent->GetInputKeyAtDistanceAlongSpline(Distance);
FVector V2 = SplineComponent->GetLocationAtSplineInputKey(Key, ESplineCoordinateSpace::World);

v1 and v2 are different when there are more than one segment in the spline.
In other words, “input key” has different meanings/values depending if it’s a return value or an input parameter.